The Weekend Wave - Friday Fondue


Every Friday, The Solid Cheese Crew on Twitch puts on the awesome Friday Fondue Raid Train, and I get to start it off with my show, The Weekend Wave!

I am the Prep Girl, so to speak, gearing everyone up for Snarklebuns and the rest of the crew, figuratively chopping up the and preparing the items for dipping, gathering the fondue forks, making sure the wine is fresh and measured, and, of course, shredding the cheese and making sure we have the right amount. ;-) I play various genres of music and try to build the tempo up for the next stop so all is ready to go and the pot is warmed up for the next chef on the train.

That chef is always snarklebuns, around in the realms of the Seattle world. You can be sure to have a fun AF ride full of left turns and awesome as she melts the cheese and adds all the necessary ingredients to the pot on her show Dance With Me; it's especially cool when 'dark snark' comes out! And then we head to the Colorado Rockys to hang with chef MentalMountainMusicLTD, who keeps the pot hot and adds the club vibe and rave spices to the mix with his awesome Pop House+ show, Lucky Beam Friday. (You may end up drinking the rave water. There is no escaping it!) Then we're off to the Mushroom Kingdom and our friend, chef mushruha, who adds the the groovy, 'Aw, F*ck It' energy *cough*hallucinogens*cough* to the pot, just playing whatever his whims fancy--i
t's always a bit cray cray in the Kingdom--as we finish up the pot and get ready for the desert portion of the night. For that, we head to the Philippines to see our pastry chef, tekRum, who spins the smooth, soulful house jams that bring the perfect amount of sweet to round out the raid train. He's always got the best dessert jams, fam, so you'll want to stick around for them. ;-)

Sometimes our chefs take nights off or switch shifts, so always check my and the rest of the crew's socials to see what's up each week! The times are (damn near) always as follows (all US time zones):

aquadonia - 4PM PT - 5PM MT - 6PM CT - 7PM ET
snarklebuns - 6PM PT 7PM MT - 8PM CT - 9PM ET
MentalMountainMusicLTD - 8PM PT - 9 PM MT /- 10PM CT - 11PM ET
mushruha - 11PM PT - 12AM MT - 1AM CT - 2AM ET
tekRum - 1AM PT - 2AM MT - 3AM CT - 4AM ET


Friday Fondue setlists are always curated with wiggle room to toss or add tracks when needed, and I keep track of them all. Soon I will start posting the setlists here on my blog within a few days after the show, and I will posts links to the custom Spotify playlists on my profile as well.

Find all the Fondue setlists at the link below!

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