This track is a fun little ditty that just goes well with the vibe of a summer drive down the road in a convertible with the top down, the tape deck blasting while everyone is chill and vibing out as they're driven by their buddy to wherever he decides they'll end up. It's a wall of guitars and bass, the drums keeping the pace while Kim's vocals hang in the din, adding the color and shape to the sound. I can just sit, close my eyes, and move along with the crew, feeling the lift-off within me as we make our way through the countryside. I like that a lot.
It's a simple, straight alternative rock track that doesn't need to be more than what it is: a fun track with summer vibes. And that's why, as you can see, this is how I best relate to the song. Lyrically, I swear half the lyrics many lyric sites cite seem off, and I wish I could just isolate the vocal so I can listen closer and get a more definitive lyric. LOL (Plus, the booklet is MIA and I can't remember if it had any lyrics in it anyway.) Because of this, I won't be including them after the YouTube video/audio clip. Perhaps you can figure those lines out (if you do, let me know). For now, I'm going to chill in the convertible and let the track wash over me. I hope you do the same and it gives you a smile.