01 August, 2022

It's Here! Album Month - August 2022

It's Album Month - August 2022!

Yes! It's back!
It's been quite a while, and now I feel it is time to resurrect this
awesome feature. And I shall have a much better time at it now, too
(I hope). Read below the page break to learn more.

A lot has changed since my last (partial) attempt at this, and a lot has changed in how I will do this (and a new similar feature) this time and in the future. A personal new year (my birthday was in July), a new chapter, right? Next year I plan to go a lot more in these realms, but, for now, this is what we shall do. So let's get on with it, shall we?


 As far as some of the so-called logistics of Album Month shall go, here is the gist of it:

  •  I will not necessarily own the album I’m featuring. I don’t want to limit myself that way.

I don’t have a room dedicated to and full of albums (which would mean LOTS of options), and I am so far from being in a position to buy what I want to own or try out. Who can honestly afford to buy all of the new/new to them music they want to hear? I’m not Jeff Bezos, after all. Lol
  • I will primarily be using the evil Spotify and/or YouTube for these types of features. (Unless otherwise noted).

[Feel free to skip the following. It’s just me ranting about streaming services and their relationships with the artists and musicians on their platforms.]

I know the problems with Spotify and other streaming services, and the pittance they pay the artist/musicians for what their music does to hold up their platforms. Yes, it's awful and wrong. Truthfully, unless everyone–and I mean everyone–pulled their music at once from all of these streaming services and refused to put it back until they were paid properly, little about this will change. (Or unless the 'corporates' finally went up to bat for the artists.) I’m not going to lie and act like these services are not convenient and generally easy to use, because they are. People listen to music more now than ever before because of the portability and convenience, and the thousands upon thousands of options at your fingertips. All these new artists you have never heard are so easy to discover it’s kind of mind blowing, to be honest. I also, as I said above, I don't have the bank account to buy all of the music I want to hear and own. (Just like when I was a kid, the choice between albums I can afford with my saved music money–if I can save any–is agonizing.) I'm sorry if this makes me a bad person or 'not a true music lover', but this is where I am at in my life. In the end, the problem isn’t really the consumers and music lovers, but the fact that these companies are using the artists rather than partnering with them the way they ought to. Everyone can win in this if the owners and heads of these services stopped worrying so much about how fat their bank accounts were and started truly valuing the musicians that allowed them to be where they are by contributing their music.. And now I shall get off my soapbox. Thank you.


  • I will be posting an album a day Monday through Friday.

The way I had been doing it in the past was just far too lofty and stressful. Trying to listen to an album the night before, and the next day write and post the blurb with photos with my single mom life happening all around me was a bit bonkers for me. Thus, I have decided to do an album a day Monday through Friday rather than 30 or 31 albums a month. (The time of day I get it posted, however, depends. I don't want to stress myself out about it since few if anyone even care about it besides me.) What about Saturday and Sunday? See the next point. 

  • Saturday and Sunday will feature my favorites from the week.

Saturday will feature my favorite track of my favorite album of those featured that week. Sunday will feature my favorite track of the week. If that is the same as Saturday’s, I will pick my second favorite. This makes things SO much easier on me, I can’t even tell you…

  • The last 3 days of the month will be the Bonus feature.

Because of the way August ends, I have to do the last 3 days differently. The current plan is for the 29th to feature my favorite album (or albums, if there is a tie) of the month and another favorite track(s) from it. The 30th is planned to feature my favorite track of the month. These are both subject to change since I am still deciding. The 31st, however, will feature one of my all time favorite, most loved albums (this time around, one of my Desert Island 10).

Disclaimer: I don't know everything about music nor do I even even know all about the artists I love or talk about. I am not a music journalist nor do I claim to be. I just write as I do, sharing my thoughts and view. I just want to listen to music and share what I listen to and all that comes with that. It's as simple as that. Hopefully you'll join me for the ride.

And that’s how it shall be.

Enjoy, folks!


 ~* aquadonia*~


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