27 May, 2024

The First Song Solstice Ever Is Here!


And So It Begins...

Photo and edit by aquadonia. Edits made in GIMP.
Hopefully by winter solstice there will be a hand drawn logo.

Welcome to the sneak attack surprise that is the debut installment of the Song Solstice series!

A Song Solstice shall feature a song a day for the entire month a solstice is in, and this year's Summer Solstice happens this month, June 2024. I did my best to choose songs I have in my collection and are also available on Spotify (except for one song that I couldn't leave off because it deserves more love). It took me until the end of May to decide that. *facepalm*

Thanks to my unofficially diagnosed ADHD (I have an informal confirmation from a psychiatrist that I likely have it, just need to find someone to evaluate me), it took me ages to get the song list set and start writing the blurbs for them, so it's starting a bit late. (Biiiiiig surprise there...) Days past shall be backdated (as this one is because it all has to be in the correct order, mmm'kay?) Stay Tuned, Folks!!

(Posted on 7th June 2024, backdated to May 27th 2024.)