I just wanted to wish you all, whomever and wherever you are, a wonderful, beautiful and safe New Year! May 2012 bring you many blessings, much love and great success (whatever success may be to you).
(I do have a couple Updates on the blog, so please click 'Read More' to see them. Thanks! :-))
Sorry for the delay on the audio this week. It simply was not ready on Tuesday, but I think I can bring it out now. :-)
This week's offering is different than the previous two (#1 & #2) as this one is NOT an a capella. This is actually my first attempt at a) figuring out a rhythm part, and b) working with multi-track recording and mic volume controls. This is a whole new ballpark for me that I never would have thought myself to be in even one year ago. I never even thought to use the mic on my huge monitor for the purposes of recording my singing until something came over me to try back around the 14th or 15th of November this year (2011)! I've been seeing more potential in these far from ideal means, and I am going to do my best to strive toward that. It is necessary for me to do this for not only my future but for my soul, and it is said that necessity is the mother of invention. Let's believe that, shall we?
With Christmas just about on top of us (Happy Festivus!), I could easily write about my views on the gross commercialism of the holiday and how it destroys the heart of it. But I won't be doing that with this article. Although I do have strong opinions on such things, there are so many people in the blog-o-sphere and around the web that have done so already, many with the same thoughts as myself. I'll leave it to them, whomever they may be, to voice that part for me this year.
For this week's article, I will be relaying something that happened in my world yesterday and the thought processes it got me going on. It was a reminder to me about not only how important my role is as a mother, but it's also something that can remind us all that, often times, it's those little things that truly matter to those we love and care about.
The second installment of the weekly feature, Songs From The Spiral...
This week's a capella offering is of one of my most favorite Christmas songs ever. Now, before you start groaning, hear me out. It's not of a hymn or a carol, and it's not a novelty song, either (although I am considering posting one tomorrow -- Can't a girl have a little fun now and then? Sheesh! *grin*). But it is a truly lovely song that's a classic in my eyes, and maybe, deep down, you love it, too.
Christmas song or not, the melody and the music alone are beautiful and I hope that I do it justice. I'm unsure that I can really compare to the original singer, though, so I did it my own way. :-) This song is one of the very few Christmas songs that I feel confident 'releasing' in this manner and I really wanted to do it as I love it so. I hope you like the result! Please click the following link to listen.
Okay... Here it is. The first audio of me singing songs in a capella.
In the past (2009, I believe), I had posted a few YouTube videos of my vocals, but, although I was proud of them at the time, I find that they really are horribly oversung and definietly do not reflect my best. I am better than that. (Yes, they are still up, for better or for worse. I'm not visable in them, by the way...) I have hesitated to post anything else since. Well... That has changed.
I don't know what posting these audios will bring, but I can only expect the best. At the very least, my voice will be heard by someone. I have a gift and I ought to share it, right?
The song you are about to hear is one of my most favorite songs to sing. Ever. There is only one other person that has ever heard me sing it (until now, tht is), and I think I can do better than what they heard. And I believe this audio is. :-) Click the below link to hear it...
A friend of mine posted this on Facebook recently and I couldn't help but laugh myself silly. This is great!! (Oh, and pay attention to the album covers.) I give you...
The 12 Days Of Progmas by Somewhere
And for the 2011 More Mellotron mix! :-D
(Oh, c'mon! You know you want to! :-P)
The waterspiral weekly Updates And Such post will be made within the hour. :-)
“Whatever your fate is, whatever the hell happens, you say, “This is what I need.” It may look like a wreck, but go at it as though it were an opportunity, a challenge. If you bring love to that moment -not discouragement- you will find the strength there. Any disaster you can survive is an improvement in your character, your stature, and your life. What a privilege!! This is when the spontaneity of your own nature will have a chance to flow. Then, when looking back at your life, you will see that the moments which seemed to be great failures, followed by wreckage, were the incidents that shaped the life you have now. You’ll see this is really true. Nothing can happen to you that is not positive. Even though it looks and feels at the moment like a negative crisis, it is not. The crisis throws you back, and when you are required to exhibit strength, it comes.”
-- Joseph Campbell
This quote had me thinking of the one I use under the title of this blog...
"I am am not what happened to me, I am what I chose to become." -- Carl Jung
How you go about your trials makes all the difference, and how you move on from them even more so. Funny how this is actually what the article that I'm writing for Thursday explores, isn't it? ;-)
(Also: Thanks to The Daily Love, via their daily e-mail today, for the amazing Joseph Campbell quote!)
Before I make my regular Thursday post, I wanted to share a couple of videos with you. I hope you all don't mind. ;-)
First: Today I decided to listen to a compilation I had made for myself a few months back called "Songs Of Happy Vol. One". As the title suggests, these are all songs that make me very happy for one reason or another. This song, track 10 on the disc, makes me so incredibly happy that I sometimes find myself wiping tears. It's so wonderful! Maybe it will make you happy, too. :-)
I give you.... Caravan Girl by Goldfrapp
Second: Although I'd been meaning to look into this group for a long while now, it took a certain lovely person's suggestion to finally get me to do it. I just heard this song for the first time moments ago, and... Wow... (I admit it: Tears were escaping.) It's so absolutely gorgeous and I simply cannot wait until I have the opportunity to listen properly. To everything. Hopefully it won't be long before I can. In the meantime...
This Mortal Coil - Song To The Siren
I shall make my regular posting within the hour. :-)